Sexual Health Screening at the Faythe Medical Centre:
The Faythe Medical Centre offers a confidential Sexual Health Screening Service. This services aims to detect Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
What is an STI:
An STI is a sexually transmitted infection that can be passed on during sexual contact. Some STIs have no symptoms, so you may not be aware if you or your partner is infected. Therefore, if you are sexually active or have recently changed partner, it is very important to have regular check-ups. Some STIs can cause long-term problems if they are not treated, such as infertility, complications in pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease.
What it involves:
You will need to make an appointment for this service. Allow approximately twenty minutes for your appointment. On arrival, the receptionist will give you a questionnaire to fill out and will also ask you to provide a urine sample. You may also print out this questionnaire from here. Once the doctor/nurse has reviewed your questionnaire, they will perform the necessary blood tests and swabs. The results of your screening will be available within two weeks and you can contact the surgery to receive these results.
Cost: The cost of the screening is €60 (discounts will be given to couples). There may be additional charges if follow up appointments are required.