New Schedule, More Protection
Two new vaccines are being added to the childhood immunisation schedule. These new vaccines will give babies protection against Meningococcal B disease and rotavirus disease. The HSE has been given funding to allow us to introduce these vaccines for all babies born on or after 1st October 2016. These vaccines are now available at The Faythe Medical Centre.
What vaccines will my baby get?
The vaccines your baby will get, depends on the date your baby was born.
If your baby was born on or after 1 October 2016 information is available below.
If your baby was born before 1 October 2016 information is available at the following link
Will immunisations still work if my child doesn’t get them at the right time?
Yes. Most of these vaccines can be given at any age, and a child who misses one injection in a course of injections does not have to start again. The vaccines already given will still work and your child will still develop protection. However older children may not need all the vaccine doses or may need different vaccines. Just ask one of our GPs or Practices Nurses for advice.
Has the vaccine schedule changed?
Yes. The meningococcal B vaccine and rotavirus oral vaccine have now been added to the schedule.
The vaccines schedules have changed many times as new vaccines were added.
The previous vaccination schedules are available from here.
What’s new about MenB vaccine?
When babies are given MenB vaccine with the other childhood vaccines they are more at risk of developing a fever. We recommend giving all children 3 doses of liquid infant paracetamol after their 2 and 4 month vaccines to reduce the risk of fever.
Paracetamol is not needed when MenB vaccine is given at 12 months as the risk of fever is less.
More information about MenB vaccine is available from here.
What’s new about rotavirus oral vaccine?
The rotavirus oral vaccine is given as a liquid dropped into the mouth of a child.
Rotavirus vaccine cannot be given on or after 8 months and 0 days of age as the risk of a blocked gut is greater in older children.
More information about Rotavirus vaccine is available from here.